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Sundeep Bhatia
Sep 10, 2019
Formula One, Sebastien Vettel and penalty points.
Sundeep Bhatia, in his latest video blog, discusses Formula one and how to apply to avoid disqualification from driving for “totting”...
Sundeep Bhatia
Mar 27, 2013
What Disciplinary action might Red Bull take against Sebastien Vettel?
On Sunday Sebastien Vettel overtook Mark Weber to win the Malaysian Grand Prix. Afterwards it transpired that he had apparently done so...
Sundeep Bhatia
Mar 25, 2013
What action can Mark Weber take next against the Red Bull team?Speculation and conjecture by Employm
So Mark you need some suggestions ,as to how you might proceed , as the result of Sebastien overtaking you to win Sunday’s Malaysian...
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